Kili-konka | Frequently Asked Questions - Location and Environs
Kili-konka | Location & Environs
  • Where is Kili-konka located?
  • We are located off Sokoine Road within 5 minutes drive from the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), on the opposite side of the road from the Medical Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. View map.
  • What is the weather like in Moshi?
    • March through May, and October are usually wet.
    • June and July are cool months.
    • The rest of the year is warm reaching up to 30 degrees Celsius in January.
  • How far is Kili-konka from the nearest Airport(s)?
  • Kili-konka is about 30 to 40 minutes drive from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), and about one and a half hours drive from Arusha Airport (ARK). If you will be arriving at any other airport in Tanzania, please send us an inquiry.
  • How far is Kili-konka from Mt. Kilimanjaro climbing routes?
  • Kili-konka is about 30 minutes drive from the Marangu starting point to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. As you may have found out, the Marangu route is the easier route to climb. The Mweka route is the favored route for descending Mount Kilimanjaro, and is within 10 minutes drive from Kili-konka.
  • How far is Kili-konka from shopping centers?
  • We are about 10 minutes drive from Moshi's largest shopping centre in case you would like to do some shopping. For smaller daily-use items, we are an easy 10 minute walk from smaller shops (kiosks).
  • How far is Kili-konka from the nearest Hospital or Medical Center?
  • Kili-konka is within 5 minutes drive of KCMC (Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center), which is a referral hospital for over 11 million people in northern Tanzania. Kili-konka is 3 to 4 km, or less than 10 minutes drive from the nearest Medical Center.
  • How far is Kili-konka from Moshi Town (the town center)?
  • We are within 10 minutes drive of Moshi town.
  • How far is Kili-konka from banks and banking facilities?
  • We are within 10 minutes drive of Moshi town, where there are several banks with full banking services, and ATMs. (ATMs dispense local equivalent currency in Tanzania Shillings only, using daily conversion rates.) Please note that you may need to inform your bank/card issuer that you will be traveling, in order to be able to use your debit/credit card(s) internationally. Also note that some ATMs in the region do not accept 4-digit pin numbers. Please contact your bank/card issuer for information.
  • Where can I go curio-shopping?
  • Kili-konka is within 10 minutes drive of Moshi town, where there are numerous curio vendors, and where one can buy mementos, gifts and souvenirs.
  • How far is the nearest Library?
  • The nearest Library is in Moshi town, and within 10 to 15 minutes drive.
  • Are there restaurants nearby?
  • Yes, there are several restaurants nearby. Please see your home information guide and/or speak to the Manager for further details upon check-in.
  • Where can I go for religious services?
  • Religious Services in the area:
    • Catholic:

      • Christ The King Church | Moshi Town - 10 minute drive
      • KCMC Chapel | KCMC - Within 5 minutes drive
    • Lutheran:

      • There are 2 Lutheran Churches within 5 minutes drive or 10 minutes walk, one of which is on the KCMC grounds.
    • Muslim:

      • There are several Mosques in and around Moshi town, reachable within 15 minutes drive.
    • Hindu:

      • There are a few Hindu Temples in and around Moshi town, reachable within 15 minutes drive.
    • Other:

  • How far is Kili-konka from the Serengeti National Park?
  • The flight is about 1 hour 15 minutes flight to the Serengeti National Park, from Kilimanjaro International Airport. Kili-konka is about 6 hours drive to the nearest entrance gate into Serengeti National Park
  • How far is Kili-konka from Zanzibar?
  • Zanzibar is a one hour flight away from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). Kilimanjaro International Airport is 30-40 minutes drive away from Kili-konka.
  • How far is Kili-konka from Mombasa?
  • Mombasa is approximately one hour flight from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). Kilimanjaro International Airport is 30-40 minutes drive away from Kili-konka.
  • How far is Kili-konka from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi, Kenya?
  • Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) is approximately 1 hour flight from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). Kilimanjaro International Airport is 30-40 minutes drive away from the home. By road (shuttle), Kili-konka is approximately 8 hours drive from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.